Talent engagement

The tech talent engagement was identified as one of the focus areas from Verizon’s talent engagement workstream. While the overall talent engagement plan is still working in progress, a few of the leads came up with this idea to decorate the workplace with business wins and team achievements. It will help the team understand that their hard work is paying off so their confidence on the business growth can be improved.


Make the team feel the wins

DSP achievements

Native revenue growth

Client revenue growth

Mobile ad spend

Design Principles


Energy, Breadth, Optimistic


Passion, Relate, Believable


Clean, Modern, Elegant

Verizon Media is all about keeping people informed and connected, so interaction in our design should be warm and real.

Design Elements

- Shape & line explorations by Ad products -


Search and native advertising in one advertising platform. Partnership with Microsoft.


$50 millions gross quarterly revenue. 150 accounts and 17 project workstreams


Supply side ad product. Video, mobile, TV.


Analyzing activity across your app portfolio.

- Shape explorations by workstream -


Confidence on the business growth.


Clearly empowers the users to perform.


Yahoo and AOL, has admitted that consolidation of its technology including its advertising platforms is inevitable.


The DSP built key features required for migration of accounts from the Aol and Millennial Media legacy systems into the go forward Oath DSP.


Extended reality ad formats enhance your brand’s experience on mobile and are more effective at driving purchases.

Brand elements

Color palette

Our brand palette has three primary colors, red, black and white, which are used in the majority of Verizon Media communications.
Secondary colors serve as accent colors to highlight key information in communications. Our grays are used in very limited ways in print and digital.

Brand elements


Our brand typeface is Verizon Neue Haas Grotesk. Use VNHG 75 as the primary typeface, with a supporting weight from the VNHG family.

There are two versions of Verizon Neue Haas Grotesk Display for large sizes and Text for small sizes. Each has optimized spacing, proportions, and weight, to increase legibility for their respective use-cases. Char acters inten ded for use in small sizes typic ally show an increased width and x-height and looser spacing.



